Why I Started Investing in Real Estate
Why I started investing in real estate is a question I get asked all the time.
Most recently I was asked this question by Joey Ragano, my marketing coach, and as usual, I gave him the response I always gave; to make money, to have freedom, to build wealth.

However, he started grilling me to think about this question on a deeper level, for marketing purposes, so that I could resonate with people just like me in my own marketing.
And as we kept going deeper and deeper, and he kept asking the dreaded 'why' question, it finally came out that the real reason I started investing in real estate was not for the money, not for the wealth..
Well, sure it was those things,
But the main reason I started investing in real estate was so that I would have to have people to dictating my life.
For instance, at my corporate job, I had a boss, whom dictated when I should be working, what I should be working on, and where I should be working.
I didn't like it.
So I quit.
I then became a Realtor, to be my own boss, to work when I wanted to work.
However, I quickly realized, that my clients dictated when I should be working, what I should be working on, and where I should be working.
I didn't like it.
So what business, what job, what career then would allow me to not be dictated by someone else or something else?
I quickly learned that investing in real estate allowed me to work when I wanted, on what I wanted, and where I wanted.
No bosses, no clients, no one dictating to me what I should be doing.
And I loved it!
And this is what Joey made me realize, that investing in real estate wasn't really about the money, or building the wealth to retire early and have an amazing life.
It was about not having to answer to anyone else. This is what I always wanted.
And I saw investing in real estate as my opportunity to have that life.
You're probably thinking, well you still have to deal with tenants, with trades, with repairs and maintenance, your still going to be dictated by the property.
To get around that though, I realized I need to build a system, a team, to invest in the right areas, in the right properties, so that I didn't have to do anything, didn't have to be dictated by tenants or the properties.
If this sounds like something you want, I can show you how to achieve it, by having the systems that will allow you to invest in real estate, as i like to call it, on autopilot
Just click on the IMAGE below to learn how.